Well dear readers, I have broken the rules of Adsense on this Google blog. I openly asked readers to click on my ads to help make me money to help get to my goal of fixing my teeth. That was a no-no according to the terms and conditions I agreed to with Google when setting up this account. I was under the impression that the only stipulation I was to adhere to was that I could not click on my own ads, but much to my chagrin, I was wrong, which they let me know yesterday when they cut off the Adsense program to my blog.
I have been very excited about this blog since I started it way back on the 14th of January. Perhaps a little too excited. Enough to overlook the rules and ignorantly just ask for help getting money. Here's the thing with the ads: when they are clicked on I make a couple of bucks here and there. But asking for people to click on them artificially inflates the earnings for me, and that is against the rules. They want people to honestly click on them for information, without me asking you to. That is wrong. Now I know.
The truth is, I was a bit obsessed about the idea of making money on here, and let my naivety and ignorance blind me to what I was doing. I have appealed to Google to reinstate the Adsense program on my blog and am awaiting their decision. I'm guessing they won't put it back on. If that's the case, then oh well. I originally started writing this blog to write about my journey, and to maybe help others along the way as well. I did the Adsense 'cause I thought, what the hell, why not? So I will continue writing the blog as long as Google allows it. If not, I'll go to another site. They're not the only game in town. I appreciate them, but if they want to let me go, it's up to them.Although, if you would like to make a donation, that option is still available at the top of the page.
I want this blog to be honest, informative, and entertaining. It should not be about making money, and I think I may have lost sight of that.
That's it for now. I'm working on my next post as this goes out. All about the blizzard of '11! Thanks for reading, and as always, brush your teeth and pay your bills!