That's right observant readers! I never said what happened to my teeth or my credit. I am not with it yet, eh? I'm getting there. At least I noticed tonight, only about thirty minutes after posting the last title-less post. Sad.
So what happened was, I got in that terrible accident, and about a year later I got a settlement. With that settlement I fixed my teeth and paid off my debts. Most of them anyway. I've still got one hovering about. Sometimes I think I enjoy being miserable. Not that much though, because I'm far happier tippy tappy typing about on my laptop at home, than cooking at that hospital. Of course, getting paid for my writing will be much more beneficial to my well being than giving it away for free here on my blog. I need to write though. The only way to get better is by doing. I've done my research, so now I do. And learn.
Well, I suppose I could talk about these past few weeks. I've been home on a medical leave of absence from my job for the past almost 3 months. Complications from the car accident in my right leg. The vascular system is shot. I had some ulcerated sores on my right ankle that took forever to heal because of my condition. In the process of healing, I've come to the realization that I can no longer work a physical job. My body can no longer take the abuse. So currently I am trying to get on disability through work, get a new job through work, or just leave altogether and pursue this writing career.
After the first month or so, I started going for a walk every day for 30 to 45 minutes to get the ol' heart pumping. Also to keep myself occupied I've been finishing the inside of the house that I moved into over a year ago. My office is organized and fully functioning, my front closet is the same, and I've hung all of my paintings and art on the walls. Just a few more minor projects and the inside will be pretty slick my man. Slide me some skin.
After that, I'll finish up that mother-scratchin' garage biz-knee. Garage business. The framework is there, just gotta put all the pieces in place. It's all coming together now. Soon my truck will be in the garage. Bring on the snow old man winter, I'm not afraid of you. You can't kill me Unless I die of exposure or hypothermia, then you can kill me. But that's not going to happen because my truck will be in the garage. Ha. Suck on that Ice Queen. Gonna rock this town. Polar vortex ain't got nuthin' on my car hole.
I've kept busy, as you can plainly tell. Oh no sir, it's not sleepin' in time, and there's no dolphin waxing until at least after the lunch hour. I'm carving out a whole new paradigm for myself. I don't know how long it'll take me to get to the point of self sufficiency, but by God I will get there. I crave the freedom of working for me. I'm tired of making money for someone else.
Geez, listen to me gettin' on my high horse. It's just been a long time that I've been knocking myself out for an entity that could care less whether I'm there or not, alive or dead. I'm just happy to be working for me now. But like I said before, it's gonna take me some time and hard work getting to the point of making real money. Plus, for the next blog, maybe I could write about something a little more interesting than me dropping out of the working world I knew to pursue a career in something that I, granted, enjoy, but am not a professional at. Which of course will come with time, just with anything. It's all good brah! See you on the flippy floppy. Maybe next time we talk about pirates.No, robot pirates. That's a damn fine subject. It's settled then: butt pirates tomorrow. Good night!
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