Let's get UP!!!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Daily Grind / Stream of Consciousness

 I am a servant of music. I truly believe that we all must serve something or perhaps someone, but I personally prefer the something. Less messy. But please, do not confuse my intentions toward people.I'm not against people. It's just the individuals that are troublesome. I like people. It's the individual that creates the schism. But not that much. I don't want us to get off track here. People and individuals are ok, it's just that individuals tend to skew more towards the nuttier side of things. But no one can predict the future. Or so I'm told. Ha, ha, ha.!!!

Let's dive in then, shall we. Prince ending "Still My Guitar Gently Weeps". That's on my music dealie right now. I'm jazzed. It's a YouTube recap of my 2023 music pics. If you couldn't guess, there will be the Dead. Lana Del Rey right now. Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd*

Suddenly I'm in Love again. 

I also enjoy gardening. that is all for this evening

Pick a Topic (fer Chrisakes)

 Working with the theme of the last entry, what the heck shall I talk about? As I sit and prepare myself for this endeavor of writing, I realize that I must write about something fer Chrisakes. So I prepare myself for the task at hand. By thinking about way too many subjects to write about. Especially in the moment, as I sometimes have the penchant for the grand gesture. (BTW, how many American words came from the French?) I put in some music to write to. The Grateful Dead. On a playlist I found on my music provider. I'm quite happy, but if I really want to write, then I'd best turn down the volume. 

Day one. Not really. Turning down the volume. So, how to pick a topic. The volume is still up. It's a song I haven't heard in a while. ~ Ok, I'm back. 

I could talk about the Dead, but that's somewhat limited. Then expand it. Music. It's here and everywhere. Anyway, so very many subjects, and I've only given you two or so. Unless you dig deeper. 

Music is choice one. 
Comedy is number two. I have decided. Ok, hold on. Let's explore my interests. I did this the other day, somewhere. But it's worth continued exploration I think. I like music and I like comedy. One and two. Next? What is next. Cartoons. Comics. Stories and Adventure. History is very cool as well. Even though our healthcare and medicine is light years beyond what the people in the past had, it's still cool to think about how it would be to live there and then. 

And that was where I stopped writing last night. Truth be told, I had a drink or two. I enjoyed myself. Which resulted in the end of writing. My original thought here was the "Pick a Topic" idea. Yes, there is so much to talk about and speak to. I just finished watching the news on PBS, and there is not much good to report at this time. So I'm a gonna move on. Those things up there that I said I enjoy? Well I do. No lies there. But I did get off track for sure. Fer shure. So now I'm ending it. You'll see in the next post what I decided upon. You'll all see. Take care.

Friday, April 26, 2024

There's just so much.

 Every day I see something that I feel like I need to talk about. Write about. Here. But I'm not in the 

habit of it, and the mind blowing thoughts I have about the subjects I wish to talk about just poof away.

Which seems to keep me from writing because I just think, what's the fucking point. If I just go

 through the whole thing in my head, and in the end it ain't worth my time, then why will I pursue said

 thought?. But if you do it ahead of the despair, you just might get published.  Is that my motivation? To

be published? Or is it to make writing some kind of a career. I do have a "history of cooking" with 

recipes included series of small books. 100 pages or so. I started that idea years ago. The other book is  

about a generalized roadmap to your success. Oh, and one that's a reference guide to the different 

success/motivation guru's out there. I would break them up into different groups and try to outline their 

general philosophy. Kind of an encyclopedia if you will.

So there's three ideas to keep me busy. One to two hours a day. I think I start with the success how-to 

first, then work on the other 2 simultaneously I think. And drawing. I need to figure out my Wacom 

drawing pad. I've got some work ahead of me if I'm going to make this work. Goddamnit. Where's 

my silver spoon? I guess I need to make my own. 

Concerning the daily grind of writing to get better, I guess I'll just do this blog daily on whatever comes

to mind. Are you witnessing a mid-life crisis? Not really. I don't quite have the terrifying fear that I did

years ago when faced with financial ruin. I guess I'm more resigned to it in a way. I don't want to be 

poor as fuck, but I know it's going to take more work than I'm used to to make my life comfortable. 

And there's the learning curve for someone in their mid 50's. I can figure shit out, but it's my follow 

through that has always been my Achilles heel, or "greatest opportunity to overcome." I try to stay 

positive. It's not always easy when you don't make shit for an income. Which is why I need to just 

start on all of this stuff now. Especially the stuff that's free. Writing and drawing cost me nothing, but 

could potentially make me an income. Perhaps a tidy one at that. 

All righty then. I've got shit to do. Talk tomorrow. ~ JVD  8^)

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

I Forgot About My Blog

 That's right, I forgot about my blog. Again probably. Fuck. It's all right. The British Empire wasn't built in a day. Not that that's got anything to do with the price of tea in China. That little tidbit of racism is courtesy of my beloved and deceased Father. Northern US, racism lite. Or so I was told. Look, I gave up blaming my parents for my foibles and fuck-ups years ago. I got no one to blame but myself at this point. And that's ok. We all gotta own up to ourselves. I love me, and I love my family and friends. I still have criticisms about them, but I won't hold that against them. Just as I hope they do the same with me. 

So, we're nearing the end of the Biden administration, and it looks like Trump is the likely competition yet again. Why we dan't put this fascist to bed is beyond me, but I guess we'll be forced to see how it all plays out in the next 11 months. Fuck.

They are both old by the way. Three years difference in age. But, like every other obvious fact presented to the faithful, it's all fake news.  So there's that. Disgusting as it is.

Meanwhile in the real world, most people are doing all they can, working 2 jobs, trying to make all of the ends meet. Somewhere near the middle would be cool, but we all know that ain't happenin'. We've slowly been screwed ever since Reagan got in. Forty years of slow burn to wear us down until we can't take it anymore and just give in to a tyrant like Trump. What a putz. Wrong guy, right time. Let's hope he doesn't get elected and hasten the end of democracy in America. Or maybe that's what we need. I doubt it, but some think so. I personally think we're headed toward oblivion as a nation. It's a slow burn to the end in my humble opinion. But I guess time will tell. 

That's pretty grim. Do I have anything else for this triumphant return? Probably not. But stay tuned dear reader. There's much more to come!