Let's get UP!!!

Friday, April 26, 2024

There's just so much.

 Every day I see something that I feel like I need to talk about. Write about. Here. But I'm not in the 

habit of it, and the mind blowing thoughts I have about the subjects I wish to talk about just poof away.

Which seems to keep me from writing because I just think, what's the fucking point. If I just go

 through the whole thing in my head, and in the end it ain't worth my time, then why will I pursue said

 thought?. But if you do it ahead of the despair, you just might get published.  Is that my motivation? To

be published? Or is it to make writing some kind of a career. I do have a "history of cooking" with 

recipes included series of small books. 100 pages or so. I started that idea years ago. The other book is  

about a generalized roadmap to your success. Oh, and one that's a reference guide to the different 

success/motivation guru's out there. I would break them up into different groups and try to outline their 

general philosophy. Kind of an encyclopedia if you will.

So there's three ideas to keep me busy. One to two hours a day. I think I start with the success how-to 

first, then work on the other 2 simultaneously I think. And drawing. I need to figure out my Wacom 

drawing pad. I've got some work ahead of me if I'm going to make this work. Goddamnit. Where's 

my silver spoon? I guess I need to make my own. 

Concerning the daily grind of writing to get better, I guess I'll just do this blog daily on whatever comes

to mind. Are you witnessing a mid-life crisis? Not really. I don't quite have the terrifying fear that I did

years ago when faced with financial ruin. I guess I'm more resigned to it in a way. I don't want to be 

poor as fuck, but I know it's going to take more work than I'm used to to make my life comfortable. 

And there's the learning curve for someone in their mid 50's. I can figure shit out, but it's my follow 

through that has always been my Achilles heel, or "greatest opportunity to overcome." I try to stay 

positive. It's not always easy when you don't make shit for an income. Which is why I need to just 

start on all of this stuff now. Especially the stuff that's free. Writing and drawing cost me nothing, but 

could potentially make me an income. Perhaps a tidy one at that. 

All righty then. I've got shit to do. Talk tomorrow. ~ JVD  8^)

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