I just don't understand why everyone is so worked up about the recession. I've been on the edge of poverty my entire adult life, and somehow I still get by. I guess I've just never known any different. Being broke is a way of life, and fully functioning paradigm for myself, and I'm guessing millions of others all across this great country of ours. Sure, I had a wife that's a college graduate with a good job that pays quite well. I'm glad for that, because that means my children can enjoy life a little bit better than if they had to just live with me. If we hadn't gotten divorced, we'd both be doing better, but it was not to be. Lucky for my children they live with the parent that learned about personal responsibility a lot sooner than the other one. Namely me. I am not proud of this fact, and am doing what I can now to remedy that situation, but I still have a hard time feeling a whole lot of pity toward those who no longer have their $100,000 a year jobs, and are forced to give up all the luxuries in their life that they've grown accustomed to.
What are those luxuries anyway? I will guess. 1) Cable TV/Tivo 2) Magazine subscriptions 3) Monthly car payments 4) Vices, such as; alcohol, tobacco, pornography, prescription drugs, chocolate, etc. 5) Lawn service 6) Dining out 7) Anything that costs more than you make. 8) Other things not coming to mind at this time.
Some of you are probably saying, "Well Jeffrey Scott, maybe if you had gotten your college degree, or a culinary degree, you too would be pulling down the big bucks and living beyond your means, and pushing your credit past the point of no return just like the rest of us, and being pretty bummed out like the rest of us as well." That very well may be. I agree. Unfortunately I held myself back through my love for alcohol. That was my weakness, and ultimate downfall. Now, would you rather trade me for that, or would you like to stop feeling sorry for yourself, pick yourself up and do the hard work of getting back to work? Hmmm? Yes life can be a real bitch sometimes, but if you do have that college degree, and your health, and an internet connection, you can get up and get out there and find something new. It may take a while, but don't tell me you can't do it.
Believe it or not there are actually people out there that want to help people like me, and perhaps even people like you. They want to help someone that is helping themselves, someone that is getting up off their asses and trying. When I make it, I will be one of those people looking for people who are trying as well. That's right, when I make it. Mark my words, because I will. "Big words, from a man with bad teeth and no credit!" I can hear you exclaiming. That's right, big words. I've got lots of big words. Onomotopeia. How's that for a big word, huh? Antidisestablishmentarianism. Ha.
So, I guess I'm saying that sometimes you have to suck it up and give up those luxuries you can no longer afford for a while. Sure it sucks, but if you want to get it all back, you may have to give it all up. At least for a while. How long is a while? I have no idea. It depends on you I suppose. It depends on your attitude and what you're willing to do to better your life. Maybe you need a little humility in your life, I don't know. But don't just write off the experience as a horrible nightmare that you have to endure. You might just learn something valuable. As Americans, we're a very independent people who are taught from an early age that we need to make our own way, and asking for help is a sign of weakness. I think we need to learn how to rely on each other a little better. It's not such a bad thing to ask for help.
Look at me, I'm asking for your help right now. If you click on my ads, I make a few pennies. Or, if your're in the giving mood, you can make a donation. It all goes towards fixing my teeth. I am shameless. Maybe not totally, but certainly not much left. I'm too old for vanity, and too young to give up. I am the little engine that could. I could use a breather now and again, but I'm in it for the long haul. Bear down, dig in, and keep on keepin' on. Right on brother! Can I get an AMEN?!
That's it for today. Y'all take care and remember, brush your teeth, and pay your bills!
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