Let's get UP!!!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Wait, how about those teeth and that credit? That last post didn't even have a title. What's going on here?

That's right observant readers! I never said what happened to my teeth or my credit. I am not with it yet, eh? I'm getting there. At least I noticed tonight, only about thirty minutes after posting the last title-less post. Sad.

So what happened was, I got in that terrible accident, and about a year later I got a settlement. With that settlement I fixed my teeth and paid off my debts. Most of them anyway. I've still got one hovering about. Sometimes I think I enjoy being miserable. Not that much though, because I'm far happier tippy tappy typing about on my laptop at home, than cooking at that hospital. Of course, getting paid for my writing will be much more beneficial to my well being than giving it away for free here on my blog. I need to write though. The only way to get better is by doing. I've done my research, so now I do. And learn.

Well, I suppose I could talk about these past few weeks. I've been home on a medical leave of absence from my job for the past almost 3 months. Complications from the car accident in my right leg. The vascular system is shot. I had some ulcerated sores on my right ankle that took forever to heal because of my condition. In the process of healing, I've come to the realization that I can no longer work a physical job. My body can no longer take the abuse. So currently I am trying to get on disability through work, get a new job through work, or just leave altogether and pursue this writing career.

After the first month or so, I started going for a walk every day for 30 to 45 minutes to get the ol' heart pumping. Also to keep myself occupied I've been finishing the inside of the house that I moved into over a year ago. My office is organized and fully functioning, my front closet is the same, and I've hung all of my paintings and art on the walls. Just a few more minor projects and the inside will be pretty slick my man. Slide me some skin.

After that, I'll finish up that mother-scratchin' garage biz-knee. Garage business. The framework is there, just gotta put all the pieces in place. It's all coming together now. Soon my truck will be in the garage. Bring on the snow old man winter, I'm not afraid of you. You can't kill me Unless I die of exposure or hypothermia, then you can kill me. But that's not going to happen because my truck will be in the garage. Ha. Suck on that Ice Queen. Gonna rock this town. Polar vortex ain't got nuthin' on my car hole.

I've kept busy, as you can plainly tell. Oh no sir, it's not sleepin' in time, and there's no dolphin waxing until at least after the lunch hour. I'm carving out a whole new paradigm for myself. I don't  know how long it'll take me to get to the point of self sufficiency, but  by God I will get there. I crave the freedom of working for me. I'm tired of making money for someone else.

Geez, listen to me gettin' on my high horse. It's just been a long time that I've been knocking myself out for an entity that could care less whether I'm there or not, alive or dead. I'm just happy to be working for me now. But like I said before, it's gonna take me some time and hard work getting to the point of making real money.  Plus, for the next blog, maybe I could write about something a little more interesting than me dropping out of the working world I knew to pursue a career in something that I, granted, enjoy, but am not a professional at. Which of course will come with time, just with anything. It's all good brah!  See you on the flippy floppy. Maybe next time we talk about pirates.No, robot pirates. That's a damn fine subject. It's settled then: butt  pirates tomorrow. Good night!

Knock, Knock...
Knock, Knock...


Knock, knock, not hello.


It's a knock, knock joke.

Knock, knock?


Who's there?


Precisely who?


Precisely who? I'm playing your game.

You're playing my game?

Yes. Isn't that what you wanted?

Well,.., yes. Yes of course.

You hesitated.

No I didn't.

Yes you did, I heard it. Distinctly.



All right then, I did hesitate.

Why on Earth did you hesitate?

Well... it's not so much the joke as an alarm clock.

An alarm clock?


Well, what pray tell might this alarm clock be for?

The alarm clock is for waking you up.

Is it now?

Yes, quite.

So, you're telling me that I have been asleep. Is that correct?

That is correct.

Ok. How long?

Look at the date of your last post here. You've been asleep since your last blog post.

I don't know how to find that.

I'm not surprised.


Nothing, just go up top somewhere and look around. You'll stumble upon it soon enough.

Ok then. I'll get to that. First off though, who am I?

You're the writer.

I'm the writer?

Yes you are.

OK. Who are you then?

I'm the alarm clock.

You're the alarm clock?

Oh yeah.

I don't believe you.

Good. You shouldn't, and frankly if you hadn't just told me that I would have scrapped this whole project from the git-go.

So, you're not the alarm clock?

No, but it is a minor responsibility that somehow made it into the bylaws millenia ago, and I must fulfill all the duties of the office. So, for all intents and purposes, officially, yes I am the alarm clock.
Begrudgingly. Antiquated laws will add to the decline of this empire. But I digress.

So, you are the alarm clock, and something more.

Yes, something... more. Indeed.

What might that something more be exactly? You sound a bit ominous.

For now, that's for me to know, and you to find out.

OK then. That's great. Not creepy at all. Thanks for that.

     All right then, now that I'm awake, what is it I'll be writing about?


     Really? You're done?

     That's it? No mas? Yo quero alarm clock.
     Fine. That's how you want this collaboration to move forward? That's fine by me friend. I've got things to do. Places to go and write about. You come and go as you please. I don't give a rats ass. Ya freak.

Well then, as long as I'm awake, might as well get caught up. It's been some time since I last wrote an entry in this blog. Very long time. I have no idea how long, and don't know how to check it without turning this into a draft and confusing myself, so I'm going to guess it's been over 2 years since I last posted here. Probably over three. Maybe since  before my car accident. I don't know. I'll check later and let you know in a later post. I'm just going to assume it was sometime around the time of my accident.

Let's get caught up then. What say we start from the accident? Splendid.

The accident. It was the fourth of July, Two Thousand and Eleven, at 2:07 p.m. I was in the  Eastbound lane of rural two-lane IL highway 22, (speed limit 50 mph), heading home at 48-50mph after an uneventful day at work making food for the sick and the weary, and the patients as well. Within a  quarter mile of leaving the hospital parking lot, I came upon the intersection from whence the accident did occur from the right side, that is to say, from the South. She was a Westbound sedan, 4 door upper middle class brand with a 16 year old spankin' new driver just lookin' ta set off some holiday cheer with her friends no doubt! Oh the travesty. Oh the travesty indeed. For me. Not her. She walked away unscathed physically. I can only hope her view of my broken frame haunts her dreams for the coming decades. I was majorly fucked up.

Multiple broken ribs, lacerated liver, left lung punctured, fractured sternum, beat ta hell right kidney, spiral fracture of left ankle, fractured left fibula, fractured right tibia, and a shattered right femur.

8 1/2 months after the accident, I went back to work cooking at the hospital. With a compression stocking on my leg I could do my job. Quite well as per usual. But time and age work their magic on a busted leg and out you go. I am physically unable to continue the work I used to do to make a living. I can no longer be on my feet all day without the threat of continued damage to my leg. I'm done being on my feet. No more.

Currently I've been on a leave of absence from work until they can figure out if I am to be placed on disability leave, or job placement. Not sure which, kind of in the dark. Bureaucracy and such. Red tape, what-not.

Regardless of all that, I need to find something else to do, whether or not the company gets me a spot or not. It's time I started workin' for me, Jack! Let the chips fly where they may, I'm gonna let my freak flag fly free!!! Don't mess with Texas!!!

It's time to write. Write, write, write. What then? What shall I bring to the fore? Current events? All things blueberry? Shakespeare on the hound? Witty banter concerning current events? Cat talk? The sky's the limit I suppose. You are what you write. Is that what they say? I don't know. I'm guessing some form of this blog has already transpired somewhere and when on the web. Not the most original idea really. Someone else blogging about their career change, hoping to make a living by writing. On the web.

I've done some research over the past few days. It seems that it can be done. Don't fool yourself though. It is work. I won't bore you with the details here, as I'm not getting paid for this, and it's just my introduction back into this writing world.

I suppose I need an end for this beginning. I'm jumping off into the abyss, throwing my pen into the ring to at least make a living and pay the bills. It's easier than cooking, and might just pay better. I'm going to give it a go. Why on earth not. Life is far too short to be stuck in a job you hate. Do what makes you happy. Be. Find your joy. Well, it's a start. More tomorrow. 8^)